Opening Hours: 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday

Dr. Sean McSweeney

The University Hospital Radiology Group of 18 radiologists is the largest private Radiology group in Ireland with the broadest range of expertise. Our radiologists have trained internationally to obtain skills in all subspecialites.

Dr. Sean McSweeney

Qualifications: MB, BCh BAO, BMedSC, MRCSI, FFR RCSI


Medical Graduate: University College Cork.


Postgraduate radiology training: Diagnostic Radiology at Cork University Hospital on the National Training Scheme of the Faculty of Radiologists, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.


Fellowship training:  Abdominal imaging, Musculoskeletal Imaging and Cardiovascular Imaging. University of Toronto, Canada.


Current consultant appointment: Consultant Radiologist Cork University Hospital.


Special interests: Abdominal imaging including image guided biopsy / drainage and PETCT. Musculoskeletal and sports imaging including image guided interventions (joint injections/aspirations, biopsy, facet and nerve root blocks), Cardiovascular Imaging including cardiac MRI, CT coronary angiography and peripheral vascular CT angiography.

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